Our Mission
Hartford BizUnity is the voice of Hartford's business community - restaurant owners, retail shop owners, small businesses, property owners, real estate professionals, downtown employers, and those invested in Hartford. We are like-minded individuals, businesses, and companies of all sizes who have come together in unity and inclusiveness to develop and promote common sense solutions for the business environment of Hartford.
As a community we share a common goal - a Hartford which is attractive to visitors, entrepreneurs, residential and commercial tenants, and new investment. Through common sense policies and collaborative initiatives, Hartford's future as a business-friendly city which encourages hard-work, risk-taking, and success will be achieved.
Hartford BizUnity is the Hartford business community's response to the need to speak with a clear, unified, and well-articulated voice that will be heard by our City and State governments. Additionally, Hartford BizUnity is taking ownership of important challenges facing the business community and is leading the charge for a brighter and more successful future.
You can make a huge difference!
We invite all members of the Hartford business community to become a member of Hartford BizUnity today!
There are no dues or fees to become a member. Just fill out the form below or email us at unity@hartfordbiz.com.
Member Businesses

Please visit this site frequently for updated and important information relating to issues facing Hartford's business community.